Sunday, August 28, 2011

Baby Anderson Update

Today, we are 14 weeks pregnant! I love the apps that I have downloaded to my iphone.... they keep me up to date on everything! This week was also my first week back to school & I have been pooped every night. Luckily, that will all get better.

14 weeks:
The baby is the size of a peach... today at the grocery store we took a picture (not a good one, just a phone pic) and sent it to our family just let them know what's going on!

We went to Barnes & Noble to pick a few baby books--- we need to get reading! Our favorite part was this Gender Calendar. You look at your age and the month the baby conceived to find out the gender. OUR'S SAYS IT'S A GIRL!

I am sure there are tons of tricks to figure out the gender...
We will try some more and keep track!

Monday, August 8, 2011

We are expecting Baby #1

I have not been able to blog lately at all because I have this one MAJOR post that I have been wanting to share for a while now! Hopefully, after I get this out it will be a lot easier to share with you all more often!

I have to fill you in on all of these things in order--
First things first: Taylor graduated from school. I wrote a short post about that here.
Then, we decided that we were ready to stop trying to not have a baby... get it? So the rest of that is history. I took a few at home tests that were negatives, but this Momma knew she was pregnant! I insisted on taking a "more expensive" (because it would be right) brand test and well well well what do you know!! It said YES. You must know that in the middle of all of this Taylor is studying for his bar exam. oops :)

We were so excited and lucky because my Mom was here that night, so she got to experience it all first hand! Believe it or not, there was a lot of commotion going on around our house that night.

The next morning, Taylor made an appointment with my OBGYN and they confirmed it for us! Made us watch a video, gave us some vitamins and took my blood (yuck) then sent us out and about!

Taylor finished the bar exam about 2 weeks ago and today is actually his first day of work. Can you believe that I did not take his picture this morning. But, trust me-- he looked oh so handsome in his suit.

Today, I am 11 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I cannot wait 5 more days to share, so you all get an EARLY announcement.

Meet Baby A--
Such an amazing blessing and gift from God. We are forever grateful.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Do you Pinterest?

OMG-- I have been so addicted to Pinterest all summer long!
If you are on Pinterest, find me! I would love to see your boards and pins!

Here are a few of my MOST FAVORITE PINS:

This website has been such a lifesaver-- really! I used to save images on my computer and then struggle to remember where I found them. I love that it links you directly to the source.

Dear Pinterest, I love you!