Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thank You Amber!

WOW, I was given a little blog award from Amber... at Brunch with Amber! You are sweet & I appreciate your kindness. I hope you will all check out Amber's blog today.

Here are my Seven Facts

1. I love my job! Most people probably don't love their job as much as I love mine. Having 22 precious children laughing and smiling all day long is all that we all need to fill our hearts with joy!

2. I married my best friend... LUCKY ME!

3. I hate seafood, I am actually afraid of it. Fish in general creep me out.

4. My first car was a lime green VW Beetle and it was standard. I was not allowed to get a driver's license if I could not drive a standard. (Taylor cannot drive one. ha ha. )

5. Every car I ever had has been a Volkswagen! What can I say, I am a loyal customer.

6. My dream job is to be a news reporter!

7. I saved the most embarrasing fact about me for last. I do not know how to swim. I can doggie paddle, but that's about it!!

Here are 7 blogs I want to share with you:

Holly at 504 Main

The Sisters at Drab to Fab

The Boys at Barnhouse


  1. I got an award from her too! She is so cute! Congrats on your award! I found you through Amber, I hope you don't mind! Have a good Sunday!

  2. Congrats on the award! Are you a teacher? If so, me too! Everyone always thought I'd be a newsreporter growing up too! HAHA too funny! I'm a new follower :) Happy Monday!

  3. I came over from Amber's blog. haha don't worry I have the same idea about fish! I hate them alive, dead, on my plate, in the ocean... blech!
